What is lack of self-love and how to get rid of it.

What is lack of Self-love and how to get rid of that feeling.

اللامبالاة indifference

Written by Shahar Sherif

Life coach and marital relationship consultant.

Indifference is a vague emotional and behavioral state that causes a person to become mildly detached from reality, suppress all feelings, and not respond to things and people. It makes an individual act without interest in the events around them and disregard all affairs and consequences of their actions, even when their indifference works against them. According to Dr. Leon F. Sellers, indifference is akin to experiencing reality under anesthesia, and unfortunately, it may go unnoticed despite our familiarity with it. These individuals often feel that interacting with the world around them drains their energy, leading to a sense of apathy and exhaustion. This psychological and physical state creates problems that are akin to paralysis, hindering their ability to act and quashing any passion they may have for life. Therefore, this feeling represents suffering in its ugliest form, even if indifferent individuals fail to realize or acknowledge it.

Some of the indicators of a person who suffers from apathy. 

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  • The feeling of growing boredom inside you.
  • Dealing passively with the unwillingness to change anything undesirable. 
  • Lack of motivation and goals to meet life challenges.
  •  Being Afraid and hesitant in an exaggerated way to avoid failure. 
  •  Not being sympathetic to any disasters that may affect the world around you.
  • Lack of confidence in your ability and efficiency. 
  • Not wanting to spend happy times with family or friends.
  • Preoccupation with unimportant or productive things to kill your free time without a specific goal, such as video games or watching television.

Reasons for feeling indifference. 

  • Experiencing heavy financial losses without the ability to recover.
  • Dealing with trauma or pain due to the death or loss of a loved one.
  • Facing repeated failure in important aspects of life.
  • Feeling frustrated because of not meeting expected goals.
  • Despair and loss of hope in achieving ambitions and desires.
  • Shifting beliefs or losing faith or ideals.
  • Misusing certain types of drugs.
  • Living an unbalanced life, such as experiencing sleep deprivation and malnutrition.
  • Suffering from chronic depression. Enduring neglect or deprivation during early childhood.

The feeling of indifference is one of the unconscious defense mechanisms for us to escape from challenges that are beyond our power, so we may face this feeling at some point in our lives. Internally a kind of hostility towards the world because we think that the world has not placed value on our participation in it.

How to get rid of the negative influence of the indifference in you. 

  • Changing the view of the past and learning from failed experiences.
  • Confronting oneself and addressing past behavioral shortcomings.
  • Facing life’s challenges with a realistic mindset.
  • Overcoming the barriers of fear and realizing that opportunities for success are still attainable.
  • Understanding that every victory can be achieved gradually by creating the right conditions.
  • Having faith in one’s capabilities and prioritizing enthusiasm and the desire for achievement over negative emotions.
  • Focusing on individual strengths and positive aspects to foster a sense of pride and promote self-development.
  • Paying attention to personal skills and identifying what sets oneself apart from others.
  • Surrounding oneself with positive, optimistic individuals and supporters.
  • Seeking the assistance of a life coach or specialist to regain passion and strength.

Regardless of the seasons, it is a personal feeling for personal reasons, but the common factor for everyone who experiences this feeling is the person’s loss of his happiness and the extinguishment of his feelings. Therefore, each person must evaluate this feeling from their point of view and direct their behavior from this personal feeling. So be sure that frustration and failure first steps success and also motivating yourself and maintaining your passion are all energy to put your mark in this world. 

If you feel you are not able to deal with this feeling life coaching can help you to get rid of this negative impact. So, Contact us to work together 

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References: Van Reekum, Robert; Stuss, Donald T.; Ostrander, Laurie (February 2005). “Apathy: Why Care?”. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.Bystander Effect”. Psychology Today Author/ Noha Sedeky


Sources and references

      • ^ games, n. (1973). Competence and Adjustment in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients and at-Risk Adults, pp. 163-204 in Dean, SR (Editor), Available here.Schizophrenia: Top Ten Prize Lectures. New York: MSS Information Corp.

      • جارميز ص ، ن. ستريتمان ، س. (1974). “الأطفال المعرضون للخطر: البحث عن أسلاف الفصام. الجزء 1. النماذج المفاهيمية وأساليب البحث. ” نشرة الفصام . 1 (8): 14-90. أنهم : 10.1093 / ثقب الشوري / البث 4619494 .

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1971).Kawai Children: A Longitudinal Study from Prenatal to Age Ten. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN978-0870228609.

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1989).Vulnerable but indomitable: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN0937431036

    ^ Masten, A.; Better, K.M.; Garmezi, N.; (1990).Resilience and development: Contributions from a study of children who overcome adversity.Outcome and Psychopathology.2 (4): 425-444

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