Marital Relations Consultants

As a marital relationship counselor, I know that marriage is a sacred bond for every person who wants to have a prosperous and stable family.

Still, the challenges lie when one or both parties cannot identify and achieve their common goals and build a strong marriage bond. It does mean that there are some acceptable marital disputes. 

But when the differences reach a dead end, some couples believe that rational solutions to save their marriage are impossible, despite the importance of the marital relationship for both of them.

And there are other balances in it, the most important of which are children, the life and feelings shared between them as individuals. 

Important of Marital Relations Consultant

So, your need for a marital relations consultant does not mean your inability to manage your life. It means your awareness of the value of your marriage and your family. And what you built during your years of life.

It means your understanding of the importance of science helps you to a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

So, we can help you if you find it challenging to maintain your married life. Or feel Things are going against your desire and dreams and need help. 

Here is our Role as a Marriage Counselor

We work together as a team to be more interested in getting to the roots of problems between spouses and problem behaviors with the whole emphasis on the confidentiality and sanctity of everything related to spouses to find an appropriate and viable solution to fix negative situations that may arise and affect the quality of the marital relationship

This makes couples who use a marriage counselor surprised by what they learned from the session and discover the main reasons for the differences that may occur in marriage.

Where we rely on the basics, we will explain some:-

1- We help couples see things from a different perspective.
2- Create a more encouraging and feasible situation that allows both parties to participate effectively in repairing the relationship.
3- Allow the couple to define the problem honestly and clearly.
4- We give couples exercises to help them understand each other better.
5-Giving the team more opportunities to deal with problems more understandingly.
6- A marriage counseling session helps the couple be more open by asking very detailed questions and clarifying the root of the problem for the couple.
7- Re-evaluate the marital relationship’s ideas, goals, and values ​​of the marriage relationship to be on the right path to success.
8-we Develop a list of plans in marriage to share and focus on achieving.
9- Improve the language of communication between spouses to achieve their common goals as a couple in a more encouraging way.
10- Clarify the aspirations of both parties and express their relationship.
11- partner helps his partner achieve his personal goals and dreams without unnecessary pressure.

        We also follow up the measurement of developments in the marital relationship between them through the following:

1- Determining the contributions of each spouse in the marriage relationship and preserving the right of accountability, assistance, and obligation towards each other.
 2- Defining a clear vision about each partner’s plans and their impact on the other partner.
3- Determining an appropriate and realistic timetable for moving towards achieving the desired goals for both.
4- Assisting the two partners to reach a proper level of integrity and intimacy in the relationship to reach the highest possible level of happiness, pleasure, and success.

We aim to assist married couples in nurturing and enhancing their marital relationship, while also creating a fulfilling daily life. However, this doesn’t mean that they should rely on one another. Rather, they should strive to become each other’s lovers and friends, sharing life, love, understanding, and ambitions, while focusing on individual and family success.

We also guide couples going through separation or divorce, especially when children are involved.
Divorce is a decision that requires wisdom and careful consideration, to ensure the happiness and success of the children. It should be a conscious decision that involves both the parents and the children, even if the marriage fails as a project.

We understand that divorce can be a loss for both parties, but it is important to prevent double losses and maintain a healthy relationship with the children after the separation. We believe that being a perfect parent is more than just providing financial support, advice, criticism, guidance, health care, or nutritional care. It combines all forms of care to lead your children to a happy life, and it starts with having you in their lives. As such, we strive to help you be a good friend to your children, and an ideal parent, even after a separation or divorce.