
Quotes about Women & Love

“A woman loves her man, not because he is the strongest of men, nor the most handsome of them, nor the richest of them, but because he is..with his weaknesses and strengths..and love is not a show of strength, but rather a warm, continuous energy of giving.”

 – Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq

Love is a woman’s history, and it is nothing but a passing accident in a man’s life.”

 – Madame d’Estael.

A man loves with his eyes and a woman with her ears.”

  – Adeeb Ishaq

The man buys glory, greatness, and fame, but it is the woman who pays the price.”

  – Khalil Gibran

A man may write a book about love, and yet he cannot express it, but a word about love from a woman is sufficient for all of that.

  –  Victor Hugo.

A woman is the best gift that God has given to a man. 

  –  Guyar.

“When you educate a man, you educate an individual, and when you educate a woman, you educate an entire family. 

  –  Socrates.

There is no woman who hates love except a woman who is miserable from love.

  –  Cirrus.

When a woman loves sincerely, she becomes polite and noble, and it is impossible for her to imagine herself possessed by someone other than the man she loves. Neither money nor emotions nor the most wonderful charms of luxury can influence her and push her to betray her lover.

  –  Ebrahim Al-Masry.

A woman’s failure in love increases her femininity, and a man’s failure in love increases his cruelty to women and society.

  –  Solon the Athenian.

The woman is the greatest educator of the man, as she teaches him the beautiful virtues, the etiquette of behavior, and the delicacy of feeling.

  – Anatole France.

Woman is the closest being to perfection; she is a medium between man and angel.

  – Balzac.

Women want to be the last woman in the life of the one they love, and men want to be the first man in the life of the one they love.

  – Schopenhauer.

“Better to love and fail than never love.

  – Chison.