What is lack of self-love and how to get rid of it.

What is lack of Self-love and how to get rid of that feeling.


Written by Shahar Sherif

Life coach and marital relationship consultant.

Did you ever think about how to overcome negative thoughts?

While we all know that being more optimistic in our lives will help us find success,

Pouring through your mind, the negative thoughts will quickly put a damper on your creativity and tend to get in the way of realizing your true potential.

Many people will tell you to “Think positive.”

There are many struggles to change from a negative to a positive mindset.

1- The tendency to believe that there are no solutions to problems.

2- The defect in facing life’s challenges and exaggerating them from their actual size.

3- Exaggeration in anticipating adverse outcomes.

4- Lack of attention and mood disorders.

5- Lack of sleep, excessive nervousness, and tension.


It isn’t always that easy; when you find yourself stuck in a cycle of negative thinking or are terrified of a negative outcome, positive thoughts often ring as untrue.

Here are three simple keys to help you overcome negativity and change your life:

1- Use Black and White Thinking

When you find yourself worrying about a negative result, take a piece of paper and pen and write down the worst and the best thing that can happen. Whenever you create a variety of potential outcomes, you will become less emotional, which will help you think more clearly.

2- Know when negative thoughts come to you.

Often, when we are being ridiculed, facing disappointment, or not wanting to put in the effort We use negative thoughts to protect ourselves.

When we think of negative thoughts like,

  • It won’t work.
  • I can’t do that.

We are permitting ourselves to play it safe. If you catch yourself thinking negatively and talking yourself out of action. Just take a step back and remind yourself that the most successful people have also faced failure. If you are talking yourself out of something that you want, take the time to list why you want it. The list of positives will help to change your focus and keep you moving forward with less fear.

Overcome Negative Thoughts
Shahar Sherif Life coaching

3- Become an Observer of Your Thoughts.

Doesn’t it always seem much easier to see and solve someone else’s problems than your own?

However, When your mind is dealing with negative thoughts, it’s a lot tougher to see and stop them.

If you decide to be more positive, you need to become more conscious of what you are thinking.

When you step back and analyze things as an observer, you will see a shift in your focus, and you’ll be more mindful of how you are looking at the situation.

Focusing more on positive thoughts will make you happier and more optimistic about your life. This will allow you to experience more joy and well-being.

In any case,

Destroy the box of self-hatred and be yourself.

If you feel unable to forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past and want to get rid of this crisis and love yourself Please Contact Us.

Call now





Sources and references

      • ^ games, n. (1973). Competence and Adjustment in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients and at-Risk Adults, pp. 163-204 in Dean, SR (Editor), Available here.Schizophrenia: Top Ten Prize Lectures. New York: MSS Information Corp.

      • جارميز ص ، ن. ستريتمان ، س. (1974). “الأطفال المعرضون للخطر: البحث عن أسلاف الفصام. الجزء 1. النماذج المفاهيمية وأساليب البحث. ” نشرة الفصام . 1 (8): 14-90. أنهم : 10.1093 / ثقب الشوري / البث 4619494 .

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1971).Kawai Children: A Longitudinal Study from Prenatal to Age Ten. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN978-0870228609.

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1989).Vulnerable but indomitable: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN0937431036

    ^ Masten, A.; Better, K.M.; Garmezi, N.; (1990).Resilience and development: Contributions from a study of children who overcome adversity.Outcome and Psychopathology.2 (4): 425-444

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