Are you unable to imagine your purpose in life or an image of your desired future?
When it comes to finding your true life’s purpose, the key to achieving what you want may lie in your ability to utilize visualization to achieve it.
Knowing how to visualize the outcome of your desire will help you become more robust, happier, and more influential to your true life’s purpose.
Here are three easy visualization techniques to help you reach your goals.
1- Altering or Re-Imprinting Memory Visualization.
This technique is useful for resolving memories that involve resentment and anger.
This method focuses on changing memories from your past by re-imprinting new happy memories or by replacing negative reactions in the past with positive ones and placing them in the memories of the past as well to get a better result.
Repeat a happy scene in your mind, replacing the angry responses with more controlled and calm ones.
After a while, Your brain will only remember the scene playing out as you re-created it, and the uncomfortable memories of the event will begin to fade away.
2- Receptive Visualization.
This technique is like watching a movie in your mind, except you get to control the scenes.
- Lie down
- Close your eyes
- Picture a scene you want to visualize vividly
- Get a clear image of the scene in your head
- Add people and noises to the movie
- Slowly build the image until you have the entire picture of the scene in your head and can feel involved in the action.
3-Treasure Map Technique.
This visualization technique uses both a physical component and an obvious mental one.
The first thing you need to do is think of something you would like to achieve. Then, begin by drawing a physical representation of all the involved factors.
Here is an example
If you want to earn the top score on an exam; draw a picture of yourself, a building representing the school, and a book to describe the study.
You want to try and make the drawing as detailed as possible. The drawing itself isn’t the critical factor, but rather it is what you are picturing as you draw.
These visualization techniques will help you achieve your goals and find your true life’s purpose. Along with these techniques, you will be putting yourself to work actually to reach your goals, After some time and hard work, you’ll achieve your goals and discover what to do.
Please read this Article too; it could help you.
If you are still confused about how to do it, please contact me.
We will help you know the inner thoughts that lead to positive feelings to deal with the future successfully and consciously.
