The definition of overthinking is when someone thinks about something excessively or compulsively. It involves repeatedly analyzing every detail of a situation or problem and second-guessing decisions. This not only fails to solve problems but also amplifies them,...

Codependency Recovery
19 سلوك يقتل الحب و14 قاعدة تجدده
يجب أن نتفق على أن الزواج علاقة فريدة بين الزوجين. ولا يمكننا التنبؤ بمشاعرهم وتصرفاتهم خلال العلاقة الزوجية قبل أن يصبح الزواج حقيقة، حيث أن المشاعر والسلوكيات قبل الزواج أصبحت مختلفة عما بعد الزفاف. كما نتفق على أن مشاعر الحب قد تولد بدون أسباب واضحة، ولكنها...
Ways to avoid compulsive hoarding behavior.
Did you walk into someone's house and find it stacked to the point of a messy hoarding? Is your closet full of old clothes you haven't worn in years and can't give up? Has your home, office, or garage become a maze of cluttered narrow hallways? Please read this...
10 ways to resist the fear of the future.
Do you have Fear of the Future? Does this concern go beyond average and logical limits? Has your fear of the future turned into an unjustified terror? Do you worry about the future in general without being associated with a specific future event? Is your fear of the...
What are the signs of self-sabotage and how to overcome it?
Self-sabotage is a term that means that the person himself is the reason for his lack of development and the obstacle to his happiness through some of his behaviors and feelings that lead to obstructing any progress in his life. Self-sabotage is a typical behavior...
How to build mental resilience and psychological resilience?
Psychological and mental resilience is a degree of psychological maturity that makes you appropriately respond to life's challenges to deal with them. It includes realizing how and when to act according to your surroundings and abilities in every life condition....
Stressful and burnout relationships and how to deal with them.
Whether your marriage has been going on for years or just a few months, it’s common to experience relationship fatigue. This can mean that the spark or glow that was present at the beginning of the relationship has faded, something feels missing, and your interest in...
What’s a good life and 50 inspirational quotes about it?
My most important goal as a life coach is to help clients know and determine the best ways to live reasonably and dignifiedly in a way that suits their abilities, environment, and community. The meaning of the good life is not so much about living a long life but...
What are the Signs of an Unhealthy Marital Relationship?
It is necessary to realize that marriage, despite its importance in our lives for stability and building a family, is a relationship that faces challenges and disagreements. However, the constant presence of these disagreements between spouses may indicate an...