What is lack of self-love and how to get rid of it.

Stressful relationships and treatment strategy.


Written by Shahar Sherif

Life coach and marital relationship consultant.

We must agree that marriage is a unique relationship between spouses. We cannot predict their feelings and actions during their marital relationship before the marriage becomes a reality. As feelings and behaviors before marriage became different from those after the wedding. We also agree that the feelings of love may be born without clear reasons, but they die with precise, logical reasoning. But the fact is that love dies due to the unfair behaviors of the spouses after marriage.

There are two ways of dying love after marriage

The first way is the willful love-killing when one of the spouses deliberately continues some negative behaviors, such as

1- Marital infidelity.

Extramarital relations, whatever their forms, lead to losing trust and the love bond. 

 2-Marital violence.

If any of the spouses intentionally insults or belittles his partner, love dies in the partner’s heart.

 3- Addiction. 

 Any kind of behavioral or chemical addiction from one of the spouses can kill love no matter what. The addict becomes dangerous in the family and loses the personality that was a partner for life or dreams for the future.

4- Consuming feelings. 

If the spouse depended on his partner’s love balance or expected eternal forgiveness, he made the issues that led his partner not to give, sacrifice, or forgive.

5- Selfishness.

The exploitation from any partner’ financially or physically, takes possession of benefits and considers all sacrifices earned while ignoring the other partner’s needs.

 6-  The lying.

Silhouette Sorry Forgive Angry  - mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

Lying or Lack of honesty or concealment of facts that may affect the marriage or the spouse ends the security in the relationship and kills love.


Stinginess is one of the human faults that make love disappear forever. It is not limited to financial, but rather to show feelings of love and compassion, which may deprive the partner of love security, intimacy, and marital warmth perhaps more than economic deprivation.

 8- the feelings neglection.

Some spouses are preoccupied with external social relationships with family or friends and Ignore the importance of the partner’s priority. 

9 – Lack of conversations.

Lack of conversation, marital silence, and failure to express the feelings or needs of spouses are among the most important causes of the death of love and divorce…


The second way is the euthanasia of love. Usually, the absence of love or the presence of hatred between spouses is often due to their lack of awareness of the reasons.

 1- Boredom.

That is when life and relationships are devoid of renewal and excitement.

2-The Marital responsibilities and burdens.

When responsibilities abound, husbands are not mature enough to face the challenges of daily life with active participation and conscious behaviors.

 3-  The Marital routine.

Marital life is similar to days that lose the pulse, and the routine takes hold. The spouses search for anything that breaks boredom, such as exaggerated shopping or searching for relationships outside marriage, and turns into a volcano that explodes love.

4- Emotional emptiness

Marriage is to bridge emotional gaps, get revenge, or replace one relationship with another that ends the relationship and fails. It is a delusional feeling to break the loneliness and an illusory sense of security on incorrect grounds.

5- Moodiness in dealing.

The moody attitude of one of the spouses gradually kills the love because the unexpected and unjustified fluctuations in behavior or reactions nullify any law governing the relationship.

6- The bullying.

Bullying prevents reassurance and emotional stability because it is a one-way relationship in which there is no participation. There is a controlling person who commands, and a controlled person executes the orders.

7-Exaggerated expectations.

Loading feelings of love is the burden of imaginative expectations and immature dreams that may exceed the available potential of spouses, killing love.

8- Lack of parity between spouses.

Love dies gradually due to the inability to overcome the spouses’ mental, social, or psychological differences.

9- Marriage does not achieve its goals. 

When love or marriage is with a specific purpose, such as childbearing, forming a family, or financial support. Neither spouse gets what he wants, which may make him not see other advantages in his partner.

10- Escape from responsibility.

Spouses’ failure to assume responsibility for the relationship’s success buries love under feelings of frustration and disappointment.

Ways to renew love after marriage

  • Maintain mutual understanding to support the love.
  • Mutual fidelity because trust makes spouses collaborate to build their future.
  • Commit to deepening love and interest in various ways that deepen the bond between spouses.
  • appreciate his values are what everyone gives to his partner.
  • Balance the relationship and adhere to every common thing between the spouses.
  • decide to have a happy marriage and get rid of negative feelings.
  • Every other time, priorities must be re-arranged to continue the mutual success.
  • Realism in dealing with and devising new ways to show your love.
  • Take vacations, travel to new places, and undertake new activities.
  • Tolerate with rationality, love, and acceptance of natural differences.

In the end, Marriage is not the graveyard of love, but our lousy behaviors kill love. We are the ones who revive or kill love. The death of love after marriage is a negative phrase. We need to convert it to a positive term that stimulates us to be aware and attentive to our behaviors and words with our life partners. If your feelings of love have value in your married life and do not know how to regain your love? There is good news that you still have the opportunity. I will help you to get in your life. It is my specialty.

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Sources and references

      • ^ games, n. (1973). Competence and Adjustment in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients and at-Risk Adults, pp. 163-204 in Dean, SR (Editor), Available here.Schizophrenia: Top Ten Prize Lectures. New York: MSS Information Corp.

      • جارميز ص ، ن. ستريتمان ، س. (1974). “الأطفال المعرضون للخطر: البحث عن أسلاف الفصام. الجزء 1. النماذج المفاهيمية وأساليب البحث. ” نشرة الفصام . 1 (8): 14-90. أنهم : 10.1093 / ثقب الشوري / البث 4619494 .

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1971).Kawai Children: A Longitudinal Study from Prenatal to Age Ten. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN978-0870228609.

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1989).Vulnerable but indomitable: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN0937431036

    ^ Masten, A.; Better, K.M.; Garmezi, N.; (1990).Resilience and development: Contributions from a study of children who overcome adversity.Outcome and Psychopathology.2 (4): 425-444

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