Sometimes we think that,
- We are not good enough.
- We don’t deserve what we have.
- We don’t deserve what we want to get.
- We must take care of everyone.
- We must make everyone happy.
- We don’t deserve to be taken care of by others.
- We don’t deserve love.

Feeling insufficient or unworthy can often be attributed to negative messages and criticism that a person is exposed to, particularly in early childhood. These messages accumulate and reinforce a person’s internal feelings over time, especially if they don’t receive unconditional love and support from their family or community. This lack of support can have a lasting impact, despite the good intentions behind the behavior.
Here are some behaviors.
- Constant negative criticism of the child.
- Always accusing the child of not being able to do things properly.
- Neglecting to praise and encourage the child for his talents or skills.
- Accusing the child of being less than the expectations of his parents.
- Putting responsibilities on the child beyond his capabilities, such as taking care of younger siblings or the house’s cleanliness.
- Depriving the child of family love, except under certain conditions, such as obtaining high grades or performing some tasks that may be harsh sometimes.
- Comparing the child is unfair compared with his peers.
- Exposure to domestic violence and emotional instability.
- The psychological immaturity of one or both parents.
- When a person experiences significant social or financial decline during childhood, such as losing parents, wars, or economic losses.
- If a person has some physical disability that makes him feel that he is inferior to others.
- In cases of extreme poverty and the failure of parents to meet the child’s basic needs.
These reasons could make the feeling of unworthiness or inadequacy grow inside the person and sometimes generate internal anger and external violence to hide the sense of inner emptiness. Studies have proven the effect of negative feelings or feelings of inadequacy that have led some people, especially heads of state or military leaders, to enter into wars that may destroy many countries or kill millions of people, just to impose control on the world. They try to hide internal pain or feeling unworthy with behaviors and decisions that are crazy, destructive, devoid of rationality and compassion, just to fill the inner void, and because they also have power.
We are going to explore some ways to get rid of this feeling to stop limitations in your life.

- Love yourself and make self-love your priority over loving others.
- Do not wait for appreciation from anyone you deserve self-esteem because you are a miracle and can do miracles.
- Treat your children with unconditional love to feel the victory over your inner wounds.
- Make excuses for your family even if they hurt you that’s what they only knew about parenting.
- Be grateful for the services of others to you without exaggeration or neglect.
- Re-educate yourself with awareness and forgiveness to heal your wounds because reform comes from within you.
- Always be ready to claim your rights without compromise and not put yourself below the standard.
- Strengthen yourself and always strive to reach your goals.
- Take responsibility for what you do and what you want to maintain your self-confidence.
- Develop your current abilities and skills and enjoy every success you get.
- Do not be afraid of Love; it is not weakness; it is your medicine from these pains.
- Live your present and don’t cling to the pain of the past because it’s over and it won’t come back forever, but learn from it.
- Do not feed the past wounds with revenge because you will always be the loser.
- Remember all the blessings that God has given you to be satisfied and see the beauty of life.
Finally, haters destroy the world, so be self-loving, self-esteemed, and self-respectful because that’s the only way to free yourself from negative thinking to give the world your most significant abilities and put your positive prints to the world. As Shakespeare said “Self-love is not a sin heinousness is self-neglect”
If you feel that you are not good enough or suffering from past pain, or you find it difficult to deal with these solutions, Coaching can help you with that.Let us work together.Call now,

References: INLP center / The Way of Limiting Beliefs, by Vincent Cole.