Modern society is incredibly complex because we often strive to gain validation and recognition from others. Some thinkers argue that the concept of class struggle and the division of societies into two parties is one of the worst inventions. This can be seen in the social stratification of societies into classes such as slaves and nobles, peasants and feudal lords, and workers and capitalists. Additionally, in the scientific community, there is a division between scholars and those who lack knowledge. The disregard for the middle class, lack of appreciation for it, and neglect of ideals and morals contribute to the existence of class divisions in society. The ability to acquire goods and access services has become the defining factor for social status, respect, psychological satisfaction, and societal acceptance.
The reasons for the illusion of buying luxury items

- People’s desires and aspirations move from one layer to another regardless of the steps or stages necessary for their economic and social development.
- The division of society between those who have money and those who don’t.
- The practice of some types of bullying and symbolic violence between those who have money and those who do not.
- Low-income people are eager to buy expensive things and borrow to buy them to feel psychological satisfaction from within and realize some dreams and aspirations.
- The association of social standing and societal respect can show wealth and be proud of everything expensive or luxurious clothes, even if in debt.
- The low value of ideals and good morals in society.
- Associating wealth with comfort and safety and its effect on people’s happiness in an exaggerated way.
- The spread of a culture of consumption and a display of luxury in societies.
- The monolithic societal division of successful models and linking the value of social standing and success with financial wealth.
Spending more money than one earns can lead to numerous issues such as debt, financial struggles, and the need to take on multiple jobs to cover expenses. This financial stress can have negative effects on a person’s physical and mental well-being. It can also lead to disrespectful behavior such as borrowing money frequently or engaging in theft. This mindset can lead to feelings of misery and dissatisfaction, linking happiness and security solely with wealth and luxury. While there is nothing wrong with aspiring to a life of comfort and well-being, it is important to approach it with awareness, hard work, and contentment with what one has, without feeling a sense of superiority or inferiority based on financial status. Our focus should shift towards recognizing the supreme value of each individual and promoting the development and betterment of humankind through education and positive role models. This should involve uplifting the moral fabric of society and seeking happiness through meaningful contributions to the world, rather than simply pursuing wealth and material possessions without considering their impact on the greater good.
If you have any suffering with your self-confidence or spend money unnecessarily searching for happiness or to impress others, or suffer from social pressures, contact us to work together.
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