What is lack of self-love and how to get rid of it.

What is lack of Self-love and how to get rid of that feeling.


Written by Shahar Sherif

Life coach and marital relationship consultant.

Have you ever asked yourself do you eat well?

Do you know the real taste of your food?

Tartlets Pastries Baked Baked Goods  - ArtisticOperations / Pixabay


After how many bites did you feel the full taste of your food when you eat it?

Do you fully use your taste buds?

How many times did you swallow your food without chewing or tasting it?

Did you know why you get a large amount of food until your brain recognized what you were eating or received signals of tasting or satiety?

Because you were using your throat and your neck to eat your food.

All of us knew these organs in our body do not have the senses of taste or digestive tools.

The result is as the following:

  • We do not feel the full taste of what we eat.
  • We are suffering from excess weight and indigestion.
  • The body is not fully absorbing what we eat.
  • We have malnutrition despite being overweight.
Churros Dessert Confectionery  - Daria-Yakovleva / Pixabay
Daria-Yakovleva / Pixabay

The reason is,

We are failing to properly use the organs of our body to make it qualified to do their jobs to be more beneficial to us.

The simple explanation:

We use the mouth as a gateway for food entry, not tasting, digesting, or even enjoying, and we use the throat or neck as a quick passage for food to descend into our stomach to fill it only with an amount of food that is not required and exhausting for our body.

Because the mouth is not just a  passage, it contains several bodily organs such as:

The teeth:

  • We have different types of teeth, such as incisors, canines, and molars, which are essential for grinding different types and textures of food so that it is easier to swallow and digest; also, we do not use them well.
  • We should use our teeth to chew food well about 30 times to help facilitate digestion and absorption, but we do not.

The tongue and the taste buds:

  • There are areas for the sense of taste In our tongue called the taste buds that send signals to the brain to distinguish the taste of what we eat, as our food does not take enough time in our mouth because we swallow it quickly as if we are on a task and these also we do not use them well.
  • The tongue itself is made up of thousands of muscle fibers to move food in the mouth to help mix with saliva to aid in the initial digestion, But we rush to swallow the food and prevent the tongue from doing its job.

The salivary glands:

  • It is responsible for secreting saliva accountable for digesting carbohydrates.
  • The saliva converts what we eat into a semi-liquid state to make the food easy to digest and absorb in our bodies.

Because we swallowed our food quickly, we did not let our body organs do their jobs.

So, We get incomplete digestion and absorption because we avoided using the primary areas of digestion, which are the teeth and saliva, and we depended on the stomach as an organ responsible for our food digestion alone.

Did you know now what the meaning of we eat by our necks?

The reasons,

  1. We no longer have the true love of food we had when we were kids.
  2. We don’t like eating anymore because it makes us not satisfied with our body or weight.
  3. We swallow food to avoid the attention of our mind which makes us feel guilty.
  4. We use food for something other than its function, such as using it to escape our emotions or suffering.
  5. Some of us eat so that our body can perform its vital function without enjoying the taste.

5 Ways to get rid of swallowing food without benefiting and enjoying it.

Burger Beef Food Dish Fast Food  - takedahrs / Pixabay
  1. Eat slowly and chew food well and enjoy the full taste of what you eat.

2.  Do not swallow food except when it is semi-liquid to benefit from the initial digestion through saliva.

3. Let your mind enjoy the taste of what you eat, let your cheeks know the texture of the food, its warmth, and its tenderness, and make all your mouth feel the food.

4. Eat when you are only starving and distinguish the difference between real hunger and emotional hunger.

5. Respect food and treat it as giving. 


  • Use your body organs for proper and complete functional use to get the most benefit from your body.
  • Enjoy your food to the limits.

Your food is a gift; also, your body is a gift, so be grateful and friendly with them.

If you struggle with food, whether you are very greedy or really hate food, we are here to help.

call now


Sources and references

      • ^ games, n. (1973). Competence and Adjustment in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients and at-Risk Adults, pp. 163-204 in Dean, SR (Editor), Available here.Schizophrenia: Top Ten Prize Lectures. New York: MSS Information Corp.

      • جارميز ص ، ن. ستريتمان ، س. (1974). “الأطفال المعرضون للخطر: البحث عن أسلاف الفصام. الجزء 1. النماذج المفاهيمية وأساليب البحث. ” نشرة الفصام . 1 (8): 14-90. أنهم : 10.1093 / ثقب الشوري / البث 4619494 .

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1971).Kawai Children: A Longitudinal Study from Prenatal to Age Ten. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN978-0870228609.

      • ^ Werner, E.; (1989).Vulnerable but indomitable: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN0937431036

    ^ Masten, A.; Better, K.M.; Garmezi, N.; (1990).Resilience and development: Contributions from a study of children who overcome adversity.Outcome and Psychopathology.2 (4): 425-444

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