About me


  • Personal Development Coach & Marriage Relationship Consultant.

      Shahar Sharif is an Egyptian-American and life coach specializing in relationships and self-development.
    She has diverse and extensive experience, beginning in medical analysis. She also owned and managed a dental implant center for over ten years.
    Shahar holds various qualifications, including Certified Life Coach, Certified Master Coach, Certified Mental Health Coach, Certified Executive Coach, and Certified Master NLP Practitioner. He also holds all INLP certifications.
    Along with over 500 extensive hours of certified hands-on training, hundreds of hours of research, training-related reading, and a wide range of client experiences.
    Shahar thought Happiness is not a luxury; it results from understanding one’s abilities, breaking limiting beliefs, and managing life and relationships to create the life one desires.
    Her passion lies in helping others achieve happiness and personal success, which she considers the key to success in other areas of life.
    This passion reflects her dedication to maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle and embodies her commitment to personal and family growth. One of Shahar’s favorite sayings is her coaching philosophy, especially in relationships: “To live happily in your life, walk towards love consciously, and do not fall into it by chance.” This feeling confirms her belief in the power of self-awareness and flexibility to overcome challenges and awareness of the impact of every step in life.
    Through her study and experience, Shahar has a combination of expertise, compassion, and a genuine desire to empower individuals in all areas of their lives and help them reach the best possible version of themselves.
    In her spare time, Shahar enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, taking trips with friends, and reading extensively on psychology-related topics.

Learn something new that fascinates you”.

I studied life coaching in the USA. It was once a dream of mine that I had thought impossible to achieve due to being influenced by the opinions of others. I have faced many experiences in life that were not easy, but I consider them challenges as this is the nature of life – it gives and takes. These challenges have helped me become a better person by making me more honest with myself and others. They have also allowed me to see life from a clearer perspective.

Sometimes painful experiences are the best teachers”.

To become more flexible in dealing with clients, I have combined several NLP protocols and methods in my training. Additionally, I have mixed my study with personal experiences, which has increased my understanding, awareness, and compassion towards those around me. These experiences have enabled me to feel the sincerity and depth of pain and feelings of others. Living in the United States has provided me with an opportunity to combine two different cultures and understand the challenges faced by Arab immigrants and their second-generation children, in particular.


I completed my coaching studies at INLP, one of the top American centers. Currently, I am a lecturer at a center catering to Arabic-speaking students.

  1. Certified Mental Health Coach
  2. Certified life coach
  3. Certified Life Purpose Coach
  4. Certified master coach
  5. Certified practitioner of Neuro-linguistic programming
  6. Certified Master of Neuro-Linguistic programming
  7. Certified Practitioner of Inner Dynamics
  8. Certified Practitioner of Hypnosis
  9. NLP Weight Loss Coach

All certificates are internationally accredited.

  • INA
  • CCE

                                                              History of work and Entrepreneurship

I worked in medical labs in Mansoura from 1991 to 1993, then in government hospitals until 1996, and later in Saudi Arabia until 1998. After that, I managed a business for 15 years, and now I work as a life coach and consultant for self-development and relationships.

Areas of interest and self-study

I studied Psychology and Self-development since 2013. I have been writing and blogging since 1990. Recently, I have been exploring nutrition, life coaching, and self-sabotage causes and solutions.

        In between the lines

        In the past few years, many clients have opened their hearts to me and told me about their struggles and secrets, realizing that showing vulnerability requires courage to open up and is one of the hardest things a person can do. That is why I always record how impressed I am with their level of strength and courage. This courage has inspired me from my clients, and I will share some thoughts and developments about my personal life.

          I Write about

        1.   Training tips.
        2.  Changing habits and beliefs.
        3.  Eliminate self-sabotage.
        4.   Increased self-esteem.
        5. Relationships and dealing with loneliness.
        6.  Counseling in relationships between spouses.
        • I write in multiple fields, but writing in this particular field feels most natural to me.

        Be encouraged and inspire yourself

        I hope my story inspires you and encourages you to believe in yourself and that you can; nothing is impossible.

        • You can learn anything and make all your dreams come true.
        • You can overcome obstacles, challenges, or unwanted habits and think with a new mindset.

        Even your past can change its meaning and your visions and ideas of it, and make sure that your life has meaning and a purpose that deserves to live forever after you.

                             “Be true to yourself to achieve this goal”.