"A relationship without trust or love is like a car without fuel, you can continue with it as you wish, but it will not lead you anywhere," wisdom. Rejecting others is a difficult experience that can lead to sadness, shame, and a loss of confidence. It's like standing...

How to be an ideal dad to your children after a divorce.
Divorcing when children are involved is a decision that requires wisdom and awareness to ensure the happiness and well-being of the children. It’s also important to make this decision consciously and with the best interests of everyone involved in mind, even if the...
Why does love disappear after marriage?
Many couples wonder why love disappears after marriage. The love becomes a mountain between the spouses, even in marriages that begin with a romantic love story. This is often due to a lack of awareness of the difference between love before and after marriage. Love...
Behaviors that kill love and tips to renew it.
We must agree that marriage is a unique relationship between spouses. We cannot predict their feelings and actions during their marital relationship before the marriage becomes a reality. As feelings and behaviors before marriage became different from those after the...
10 reasons for the illusion of buying luxury items.
Modern society is incredibly complex because we often strive to gain validation and recognition from others. Some thinkers argue that the concept of class struggle and the division of societies into two parties is one of the worst inventions. This can be seen in the...
20 reasons for mid-life crisis and ways to eliminate it.
The term “mid-life crisis” was coined by psychoanalyst Elliot Jack. He believed that it was the intense realization of the looming death horizon. He also wrote that death is a personal matter rather than a general concept. It leads to questions such as “Did I make the...
Excessive guilt and 15 ways to get rid of it.
All of us, young or old, have been exposed to feeling guilty. As human beings, When we make a mistake, the natural feeling of remorse is a significant part of the psychological formation of childhood. Feeling guilty could be good if it prevents us from being arrogant...
Bad consequences of overeating and how to get rid of it.
There are many reasons why we eat that have nothing to do with just providing fuel for our bodies or satisfying hunger. Unfortunately, this can lead to weight gain and a less healthy, flabby body that doesn’t reflect who we really are. How many times have you suffered...
To lose weight, eat with your mouth, not with your neck
Have you ever asked yourself do you eat well? Do you know the real taste of your food? Well, After how many bites did you feel the full taste of your food when you eat it? Do you fully use your taste buds? How many times did you swallow your food without chewing or...